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House Martins Care Limited Number Two

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2 Rivington Road, Salford, Greater Manchester, M6 8GQ

07811 138 325Telephone

Regulator rating: Good
Details updatedupdated: 1 week ago

Rooms availableRooms available

Beds 5 total beds
Ownership type Privately Owned
Local Authority Salford City Council


House Martins Care Limited Number Two is a home in the area of Salford, which can accommodate 5 residents - it has a 'Good' rating from the CQC. Care can be provided for those with learning disabilities.

Care Types

  • Duration
    • Long-term
  • Age
    • Adults 65 and over
    • Adults under 65 yrs
  • Type of care
    • Learning Disability
    • Mental Health
    • Physical Disability
  • Specific care needs
    • Autism

Care Home Facilities

  • Key Features
    • Dining Room
    • Garden
    • Lounge
    • Wifi
  • Accessibility
    • Minibus
  • Leisure and Wellbeing
    • Activities (bingo, etc.)
    • Cinema
    • Individual/Group Outings
    • Laundry Service
    • Post

Room Facilities

  • Key Features
    • Wifi
  • Bathroom
    • Communal Bathroom (only)
  • Leisure & Wellbeing
    • TV Point


  • British Sign Language
  • English

Funding Sources

  • Local AuthorityWhen your local authority pays for your care - sometimes referred to as 'state funding'

Regulator Rating

Overall: Good

  • Safe:
  • Effective:
  • Caring:
  • Responsive:
  • Well-led: